Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Impeachment Rally Photos, Nov. 27 Milw. City Hall

John Nichols listens intently to questions from the audience. No one was turned away from the mic. due to time and he even stayed later to sign books and talk to people directly.Professor Daniel Maguire speaks with calm conviction and the crowd is completely attentive.
Anette Zeidler, who braved the cold and the walk on crutches, speaks with compassion and a gentleness about what our government should be.
The second row was almost filled with Veteran for Peace. One of the first national organizations to call for impeachment.Rick Kissell was there campaigning for Milwaukee City Treasurer. Rick has been a community activist for many years and I'm sorry to say I can list all his activities.
qqqIt was so filled with people many had to stand in the back for lack of seating. This couple brought their own signs.
Jay and I spotted our friend and fellow BAPster, L.D. Rockwell. The two stood for a quick photo by me.
Of course we had to have our pic.s taken with John. Actually, Jay refused to leave before this. John, always the gentleman, was more than happy to take the time for the pose. I even got a big hug from him earlier.

This guy was awesome. His name is Tyler Traband and he came out to play some music before the presentation began. It was so nice to have some great music instead of the echoing of the huge rotunda. I even got a free CD!
This is a shot of the audience from about half way back. If you look up you can barely make it out, but there are people on the floors above since you couldn't see well from the back of the main floor. My camera doesn't have much of a zoom so you can't see them, but both Ken and Deb Hall showed up for this event.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

DPW State Convention Photos 2007

There are tons of photos of all the "official" stuff, and you really have to have a good camera to get shots in the main room, I don't. Anyway, here are just a few snapshots I took of friends and family. Keep in mind that the hotel was very, very muggy so none of these photos makes anyone look any good. But, you can tell we were all having fun.

This is, from left to right, me, Diane, my son-Collins, and Jeff Van Koenigsveld. We were starting the convention where all conventions begin, in the bar...........
My beautiful daughter-in-law, Jenniffer, got to meet her congresswoman, Gwen Moore. Jen was very excited to meet her representative in a such a social setting.Congresswoman Moore's room was also the place to find State Representative Bob Turner and DPRC Chair Mike Shields. It looks like a reunion of old friends.
After a bit of discussing her address Jen found that her State Senator was Lean Taylor! Both were very happy about that.Jay Askin intently listening to State Rep. Phil Garthwaite, 49th, talk about the importance of campaigning in every district. Rep Garthwaite is the first dem to hold his seat since 1913. Jay asked him how he did it? Phil said he keeps the pair of boots he wore out campaigning on display in his office to show people what it takes to win. You gotta be impressed with that, first one since 1913?Mike chatting with Wendy........whose last name escapes me. Sorry.Jef Hall, Oshkosh county chair and 2nd Vice Chair of state party. This is one of my favorite people in the whole party state wide. I think he does a lot more than most people realize. BTW this photo was taken pretty late at night, he was wearing a suit earlier. But, it was so damn hot and muggy in the hotel!This is my adopted son, Matt Sinnen and Lena Talylor. Matt is from Kenosha but just loves Lena. Okay, he's not really my adopted son, but I do think of him at least as nephew at the very least!A few people who were in the college dems room for their party. That was the party to be at! Holy smokes. There were speeches made and people having a blast and loads of networking. I didn't get out of there until after 2 then I went outside until 4 with a few people........good thing this only happens once a year!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Arghhh At the Wild Life Refuge

Now this is the way to greet people at the door! This should be the new slogan of the Dem party.
Pugs are the new parrots. What? You didn't know?
Yes, we tried to look like that.....
people were rocking outside too. Nice smoke trails, eh? I forgot to put the clove cigarette down while taking some pics..........